As a couponer many of us coupon to not only reduce our grocery bills but to also coupon towards a goal. My goal when I first started "extreme couponing" the realistic way, was to cut my grocery bill in half & reduce debt. "Check" .Next my goal became to coupon towards a fun filled family of 6 vacation for less than $500 . "Check". Then my goal became to pay off both cars "Check & Check". Now my goal is to coupon towards buying our permanent home. Being a Military family where Hubby goes we go. At least as long as its a place we can all go that is. But with my Husbands retirement less than 8 years away we have settled on our dream location and now we are couponing towards our dream home.
Couponing is an AMAZING way to reach any financial goal you want. So start small, set a goal to pay off one credit card, or a small trip, but whatever you choose SET A GOAL and apply your couponing savings toward that goal and watch how fast you reach it :)